The Importance of Data in the Digital Era

Data has become a critical asset for businesses in the digital age. Often referred to as liquid gold, lifeblood, or the new source code, data is the foundation upon which new business models, faster time-to-market, and competitive differentiation are built. In order to fully capitalize on the value of data, organizations must adopt DataOps, a process that encompasses managing data for descriptive, predictive, prescriptive, and cognitive analytics while leveraging artificial intelligence.

Introducing DataOps: The Game Changer

DataOps is a transformative approach that enables organizations to gain actionable intelligence and operationalize data pipelines, reshaping their success in the digital economy. By adopting DataOps, businesses can unlock the hidden value within their data, driving better decision-making and fostering innovation.

Gartner's Definition of DataOps

Gartner defines DataOps as a collaborative data management practice focused on improving the communication, integration, and automation of data flows between data managers and data consumers across an organization. The ultimate goal of DataOps is to deliver value faster by creating predictable delivery and change management of data, data models, and related artifacts.

Key Aspects of Accelerated DataOps

To effectively and efficiently implement DataOps, organizations must:

  • Provide actionable intelligence for business intelligence and artificial intelligence pipelines alike while catering to a multitude of diverse I/O requirements.
  • Provide operational agility for continuous improvement/continuous development (CI/CD) pipelines, whether on-premise or in the cloud.
  • Provide end-to-end governance and security for data in-flight and data at rest.

In essence, enterprises need to enable accelerated DataOps by addressing challenges related to storage, workflow, and architecture.

Overcoming Challenges in DataOps

As AI and machine learning continue to mature, several challenges must be addressed to fully harness the power of DataOps:

Multi-workload Convergence

AI is increasingly converging traditional high-performance computing and high-performance data analytics pipelines, resulting in multi-workload convergence. Data analytics, training, and inference are now being run on the same accelerated computing platform. Different stages within the AI data pipelines have distinct storage and requirements.

Data Anywhere with EdgeAI

The Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G have introduced AI at the edge, known as EdgeAI, which is expected to be even bigger than the cloud. The "edge" includes a wide range of devices, from autonomous vehicles to IP cameras, all requiring infrastructure capable of handling core-to-cloud data pipelines. Architectures must cater to performance at scale, and storage solutions cannot be limited to traditional storage stacks, as these do not deliver the insights needed for new workloads.

Next-gen Data Lakes

High-performance data lakes must have the scale to meet the compute power and parallelism, with the ease of use of POSIX (portable operating system interface). Storage platforms need to provide transparency, reproducibility of experiments, end-to-end security, and, consequently, explainability.

Organizations need to ensure their purchasing decisions are capable of leveraging accelerated DataOps in the future while minimizing the problems within their architecture now. The first step starts with deploying LogZilla's solution for optimal DataOps.

Real-World Use Cases of DataOps Across Industries

  1. Insurance: A leading insurance company utilized DataOps to streamline and automate their data pipelines, enabling faster risk assessment and more accurate policy pricing based on data-driven insights.
  2. Healthcare: A hospital network implemented DataOps to gain real-time access to patient data, improving patient care through personalized treatment plans and early detection of potential health issues.
  3. Retail: A global retail chain adopted DataOps to better understand customer behavior and preferences, allowing them to optimize inventory management and tailor marketing campaigns for higher conversion rates.
  4. Energy: An energy company employed DataOps to analyze and predict equipment maintenance needs, resulting in reduced downtime and more efficient operations.
  5. Transport: A transportation company leveraged DataOps to optimize routing and scheduling based on real-time data, improving service quality and reducing costs.
  6. Agriculture: An agribusiness company harnessed DataOps to analyze soil data, weather patterns, and crop yields, enabling them to make informed decisions about resource allocation and optimize crop production.

August 18, 2020

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